“Deepen Your Faith”
Word of Life Africa Bible Institute as an educational institution has adopted and developed its entire program around a particular philosophy of education. This philosophy of education is based on three key words: Know (Study), Grow (Life), and Show (Ministry). These three words characterize our approach to education.
Mission/Purpose statement
Our purpose to this end is to educate each student within a rigorous academic and structured Discipleship atmosphere preparing him or her to live a life of maximum effectiveness for the Lord
Word of Life Africa Bible Institute is a one year, non-degree granting institution, accredited by the National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) and whose high academic standards are recognized by TRACS. The emphasis of the first year is Biblical Foundation. Students who complete the first year receive an Advanced Bible Certificate.

How to Apply
These are some of the forms you need to read and fill before consideration for the Bible Institute. Please fill them and send them to wolabi@woluganda.org

This is one of those days that are not easily forgotten. This day and the teachings presented changed my idea of what missions should be and how I would participate in the Great Commission. For a while, I had been questioning what God wanted me to do with my life. I had been doubting God’s will for my life when it was shown plainly before me. Missions conference gave me the assurance I needed. Within me, fire and passion for missions and specifically Nairobi, Kenya was lit within me. Mr. Grace Noowe, one of the keynote speakers that day, spoke of short -term missions being good but long-term missions being better and more effective. The Great Commission is to make disciples and not converts and this is my desire. I wish to disciple the youth of Nairobi through the arts and specifically through drama and films. I want to build relationships with them while teaching them about God and practicing the arts in a godly manner. This conviction and these desires are as a result of missions conference. This I believe is the purpose of the missions conference and it has accomplished it well in me.
Seth Mairori ~ Bible Institute 2018-19
Rachel one of our staffs meets Rhoda.
I just gave a lift to someone who mentioned
that our team came into her school (City
High School) four years ago when she was in
senior six. She said our bible clubs were a real
turning point for her and then, amazingly,
she went on to narrate in detail two specific
lessons that we did from the Philippians
bible clubs: one on serving others above
yourself and another on humility.
She then said that it was those clubs that got
her interested in God’s Word and through
which she was introduced to Word of Life
where she did her Discipleship Training
School (DTS) and then Bible School(BI) and
then was an intern. She said there are things
she learned there such as the importance of
quiet time in furthering a relationship with
God which she will take with her for the rest
of her life!!


My life is being transformed everyday as I sit at the feet of the instructors of the Word of God at the Bible Institute.
I had never had a chance to have teachers or even gifted teachers instruct me on godliness for a very long period of time. I have been used to listening to inspiring messages of faith to move mountains rather than messages that address personal life search and character change visa vie sin. Daily, I am convicted to live by what the word says before I share it with someone else.
I am greatly humbled and challenged by the godliness presented by the staff at the Bible Institute and for their exhibition of Biblical values of a Christian believer.
These men and women are just a reflection of character in God’s Word. At the end of this program, my prayer is that I will live a life that will be forever pleasing to the Lord both in character and in Word.
Pr. Monday Fredrick–Bible Institute 2020-2021